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Mizzou Castable

Your Price: $14.50
Part Number:LZ-Mizzou-5

Mizzou Castable Refractory: 5 Pounds

 MIZZOU CASTABLE is a high strength 60% alumina casting material for use up to 3000°F. 

Typical applications are ceramic kilns, combustion chambers, burner blocks, forge furnaces, and iron foundry ladles. 

This is what John Emmerling recommends when building a Ribbon Burner.  

The following was from John "Ribbon Burner Build:  Amount varies on the burner size. An 8" burner may take about 4 -6 full cups of refractory. Don't know the weight. The mixture is critical..consistency of peanut butter.  Too much water and the burner will crack soon."

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