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RR Spike Tongs

Your Price: $40.00
Part Number:Tc-217
Our specially designed Rail Road Spike Tongs from Blacksmith Supply are crafted with precision and functionality in mind, especially designed for RR Spikes. These tongs are 5/8, and their special design allows you to forge right up to the head of the spike with ease. This distinctive feature sets our Rail Road Spike Tongs apart, offering blacksmiths the flexibility to work seamlessly with these specific materials.
5 Stars
These hold a RR spike great, and are my go to tongs for most things. Tom's tongs are the best functioning and designed tongs i've tried so far. They are all high quality and the balls at the end set them apart from a lot of other (it really does make a difference)
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Reviewed by: (Verified Buyer)  from Washington. on 7/18/2019

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